Earth Day 2023: Buy Wine to Keep Plastic Out of the Oceans

Earth Day 2023: Buy Wine to Keep Plastic Out of the Oceans

On World Earth Day, 22 April, De Grendel is turning its focus onto the scourge of plastic pollution in our oceans. From 22 April to 22 May 2023, we will donate R3 for every bottle of wine purchased in our online shop to beach clean-up and pollution prevention initiatives.

Almost 80 000 tons of plastic finds its way into South Africa’s oceans every year, flowing from rivers and lakes into the sea. De Grendel has a year-round commitment to environmental conservation and sustainability, and marks Earth Day every year not only to highlight a specific environmental cause but also to encourage customers to participate in making a real difference through their wine purchases.

The R3 per bottle of wine bought online will be donated to The Beach Co-op and The Litterboom Project. The Beach Co-op’s beach clean-up initiatives have cleared 7 tons of plastic since 2015. The Litterboom is an innovative method of intercepting the pollution at source and has prevented over 500 tons of plastic from reaching the ocean over the past few years.

To focus attention on the problem of plastic pollution in the marine environment, De Grendel has commissioned a unique artwork from artist Janet Ormond, whose work is made entirely from plastics that she collects from our beaches. Janet aims to raise awareness about humans’ impact on the environment and will be drawing inspiration from the beauty of De Grendel’s Renosterveld-covered hills commanding sweeping views over Table Bay and Table Mountain.

To learn more about Janet's artwork piece click here

De Grendel is encouraging all to reflect on our impact on the planet and committing to taking action to protect our oceans and the environment, creating a more sustainable and healthier planet for future generations.

There has never been a better reason to buy wine in De Grendel’s online shop!

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